Sunday, February 26, 2012

Being Human

Assumption: 'I don't know' is unacceptable.

The last few weeks have been umm... interesting for me. I've been a little quiet here as I've been working to get myself into a good place again.

Like before, I wasn't too far gone, but I was dealing with crankiness, irritation, rage, chronic fatigue, migraines, a severe outbreak of itchy hives (omg... so itchy, as I stop typing for a frantic scratching fit. Curse you, new shampoo with your allergy-inducing, I mean, natural extracts!), not being able to write a coherent set of thoughts for a blog article, bad dogs at work...

Ya know, the usual silliness we call life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

On My Terms

Assumption: Rejection is end-of-the-world, soul- + psyche-crushing.

I submitted an essay for a contest last week. I received a sorry-but-no email today. It would have been nice to move into the next round, but I'm not heart-broken over it. C'est la vie.

I don't know if you can fully appreciate how monumental that meh, should-shrugging, no-big-whoop reaction is for me. Apparently, I truly have become a perfectionist-in-remission. YIPEE!? Yahoo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ow-ow. Woohoo!