Like the peacocks wandering
the walkways of the zoo
who have twice the autonomy
the giraffes + the tigers do,
saying:"No one can stop me.
No one clips my claws!
Now everyone watch me
scale these outside walls!"
—mewithoutYou, "A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains"
We are a generation that rages against all kinds of machines. But, no
one can rise against an enemy unknown; especially one that parades
around as a fact of life. the walkways of the zoo
who have twice the autonomy
the giraffes + the tigers do,
saying:"No one can stop me.
No one clips my claws!
Now everyone watch me
scale these outside walls!"
—mewithoutYou, "A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains"
You may have noticed the recently added subtitle: a depression-hacker's guide to challenging assumptions + living life uninhibited. I wisely chose 'assumptions' because they are the things we've learned are the 'givens' of life + the 'that's just the way it is'-s.
We've picked up all kinds of assumptions over the years: first through mimicking family, then through messages taught by school, community + society + finally through life experience; assumptions being the conclusions we've drawn to explain all of our successes + failures.
The more years, the more assumptions + the more deeply those assumptions are ingrained. They are both the things we take for granted + the things we assume to be true. Assume being the operative word.
The Evolution Continues
Because they so insidiously thrive below the radar, I'm now continually discovering those little mind ba-bombs amassed over almost 30 years of living; constantly amazed by how many new ones I uncover sometimes daily.
It's no wonder I'm a hot little mess; a super cute one but nevertheless an incapacited mess at times.
As I reveal more assumptions for the false truths they are, blog articles are born. Writing these articles is my process of challenging all those emotionally harmful +/or life-limiting bad boys.
The hope is that these articles also help others to identify/challenge their own unique set of assumptions; others being both those whose assumptions have already reeked all kinds of havoc as full-blown mental illness + those whose asumptions are currently reeking havoc as stress (perpetually draining +/or overwhelmingly acute).
The Stress Epidemic
Stress, as it turns out (ie: science is finally discovering), is the culprit behind most illnesses of the mind + body. Depending on who you read (I'm reading Richard O'Connor right now), some conclude that every aliment except cancer (as of now) is the result of stress.
Where are the warning labels for stress?
WARNING: Living in the modern era causes stress, which may be damaging to your health, resulting in: physical +/or mental illness, nonspecific psychosomatic ailments, severe allergic reactions to common indoor, outdoor +/or ingested substances, autoimmune disorders +/or early death.
Common side effects include: lack of enjoyment/pleasure in everyday living, excessive preoccupation/obsession in the acquisition of happiness +/or wealth, loss of concentration +/or capacity for memory, diminished ability to think espeically critical thinking + problem solving, chronic fatigue/exhaustion, inability to rest/relax +/or excessive lethargy, perfectionism, etc, etc.
The "Cure"
Though it seems far too simple to be true or effective: challenging assumptions reduces stress. Reducing stress then improves overall function. Improved function provides greater capacity to deal with life.
It's the antithesis of a vicious cycle; it's called an adaptive spiral. O'Connor coins + defines an adaptive spiral as:
A progressive cycle in which the changes we make in how we think, feel, act + treat ourselves all reinforce each other, making changes easier, more effective + more permanent. We can get the observable + the unconscious, the mind, brain + body, all working together in synchrony, to help us recover from what ails us now + to protect us from future stress.Curiously, once harmful assumptions are identified, those old enemies become new allies as catalysts + ever-present reminders of change. Initial motivators for major change + long-term facilitators of sustainable, lasting change.
Now that I've recognized, labeled + (sometimes) defined the source of many harmful assumptions, whenever I hear myself play any old familiar tape, the power of those messages are greatly diminished. Those harmful messages/assumptions that I habitually tell myself spur me to change by consciously working to create better habits in thinking: reframing, practicing a state of mindful mediation/observation, not getting emotionally fired up, etc.
The 'old enemy, new ally' theme will play out in many upcoming articles as I challenge more assumptions in an effort to live life uninhibited for the first time.
Sharing my experience + habit-changing strategies, I could assume the role of stress-hacker for this blog/movement I'm trailblazing. Maybe I will. For now, I refer to myself as a depression-hacker because any wisdom I claim to possess has been directly acquired from my many, lengthy 'adventures in depression.'
It's far easier for me to share what I know from experience + from assimilating information relating to my experience than to attempt to fit a mold in-authentically. Plus, I've well exceeded my own life-time consumption quota of in-authenticity; I can't image being a purveyor of it any longer (take that advertising/marketing... te-he).
My past experience has proven that trying to do anything short of true-to-self is hazardous to my health. A blessing in disguise I suppose; the world has more than enough posers. My essence rebels, whether I want it to or not. Instead of fighting it, I'm trying something new: go with it. We'll see where it takes me + what kind of trouble I can stir up.
The only downside of this: 'assumption' is a technically difficult word for me to type. But, alas that is my burden to bare... for the fans, everything for the fans:)
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